-19% 13080100060825 | Hytera Hytera HyTalk Consola Basica Hytera HyTalk Basic Web Console annual rental package Detalle: Voice+IM+AVL Precio con iva incluido $386.859 $478.048 Cantidad
-19% Nuevo 13089900060285 | Hytera Hytera 13089900060285 HyTalk Licencia Terminal Básica (por equipo) Hytera HyTalk Basic annual rental package Detalle: Voice+ IM+locating (licencia individual) Precio con iva incluido $96.715 $119.512 Cantidad
SPTTL0100 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTL0100 Subscriber License (per 1 license) 1-100 licenses Subscriber licenses are necessary for any radio level functions (i.e. alias, private call, emergency, location, texting, etc.) $74.859 Cantidad
SPTTL0300 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTL0300 Subscriber License (per 1 license) 101-300 licenses Subscriber licenses are necessary for any radio level functions (i.e. alias, private call, emergency, location, texting, etc.) $68.060 Cantidad
SPTTL0600 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTL0600 Subscriber License (per 1 license) 301-600 licenses Subscriber licenses are necessary for any radio level functions (i.e. alias, private call, emergency, location, texting, etc.) $61.247 Cantidad
SPTTL060X | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTL060X Subscriber License (per 1 license) from 601 licenses Subscriber licenses are necessary for any radio level functions (i.e. alias, private call, emergency, location, texting, etc.) $54.448 Cantidad
SPTTC0003 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTC0003 Licencia de consola adicional Additional Dispatcher Console (per 1 license) $893.207 Cantidad
SPTTS0003 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTS0003 Licencia adicional de servidor de radio Additional Radioserver (per 1 license) $2.858.266 Cantidad
SPTTBSRV | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTBSRV Licencia adicional de servidor de radio Back-Up Radioserver (per 1 license) $1.905.507 Cantidad
SPTTSC0001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTSC0001 Licencia de conectividad del sistema IPSC Single Site Connectivity IPSC 1 repeater Uses the IPSC ADK (P2P) License to connect via wireline to the repeater. Doesn't support Local A $655.020 Cantidad
SPTTSC0005 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTSC0005 Licencia de conectividad del sistema IPSC Connectivity Light up to 5 repeaters in the system Uses the IPSC ADK (P2P) License to connect via wireline to the repeater. Doesn't suppor $1.429.133 Cantidad
SPTTSC0014 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTSC0014 IPSC Connectivity Full up to 14 repeaters Uses the IPSC ADK (P2P) License to connect via wireline to the repeater. Doesn't support Local Area Time Slots. $2.084.153 Cantidad
SPTTND001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTND001 NAI Data support license for Single Site/IP Site Connect (per 1 system) Data Only. Requires NAI Data Entitlement Key enabled in each repeater in the system to transmit and receive $2.381.892 Cantidad
SPTTND002 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTND002 Licencia de conectividad del sistema NAI Data support license for Capacity Plus (per 1 system) $4.168.306 Cantidad
SPTTND003 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTND003 Licencia de conectividad del sistema NAI Data support license for Linked Capacity Plus (per 1 system) $5.478.346 Cantidad
SPTTCM001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTCM001 Licencia de conectividad del sistema Data support license for Capacity Max $7.145.666 Cantidad
SPTTI0001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTI0001 Licencia de seguimiento indoor Indoor Tracking Service License (per 1 radioserver) $1.310.040 Cantidad
SPTTT0003 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTT0003 Licencia de interconexión telefónica Telephone Interconnect Service (per 1 radioserver) $1.190.946 Cantidad
SPTTMAS001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTMAS001 Licencia de aplicaciones móviles Mobile Service License (per radioserver) Includes 5 mobile app subscribers $1.786.414 Cantidad
SPTTMA001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTMA001 Licencia de aplicaciones móviles Mobile App Subscriber package 1 subscriber $136.107 Cantidad
SPTTMA010 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTMA010 Licencia de aplicaciones móviles Mobile App Subscriber package 10 subscribers $1.012.300 Cantidad
SPTTMA050 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTMA050 Licencia de aplicaciones móviles Mobile App Subscriber package 50 subcribers $4.168.306 Cantidad
SPTTMA100 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTMA100 Licencia de aplicaciones móviles Mobile App Subscriber package 100 subscribers $6.907.479 Cantidad
SPTTW0010 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTW0010 Licencia de cliente web Voice & Data Web Client (per client) $893.207 Cantidad
SPTTY0001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTY0001 Licencia de Puente de red de radio (solo Enterprise) Radio Network Bridging Service License (per 1 radioserver) $1.786.414 Cantidad
SPTTINTS0003 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTINTS0003 Licencia de Puente de red de radio (solo Enterprise) Inter-Server Patching $2.739.173 Cantidad
SPTTM00E3 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTM00E3 Licencia de monitoreo Monitoring Service for SmartPTT Enterprise (per 1 radioserver) $2.143.705 Cantidad
SPTTVC001 | Motorola Solutions Motorola SPTTVC001 Licencia de Conectividad de Video Integration with Avigilon ACC. Basic cameras support package. $1.667.320 Cantidad